What is ESAB?
ESAB has statutory responsibilities to ensure accountability and assurance is in place in order to safeguard adults at risk and enable them to live lives free from abuse and neglect, by working closely with our partners.
ESAB Safeguarding Adult Strategy 2024-2027
ESAB's strategic plan outlines the Board's strategy up until March 2027.
Learning and Development
ESAB offer a variety of accredited courses for safeguarding.
ESAB Independent Chair
ESAB is led by Independent Chair Deborah Stuart-Angus.
How is ESAB different from Essex County Council?
The Essex Safeguarding Adults Board is not the same as Essex County Council (ECC) Adult Social Care.
Meet The Team
We have a dedicated team of five at ESAB and are supported by external partners.
Annual Report
The annual report is published in October each year and shared with partners.