Additional Training Documents and Resources

If you have attended one of our workshops or training sessions, here you can access additional resources and materials. 

Elderly man with carer

LGBTQIA+ Living with Dementia Workshop 

Resources and additional information.

Laptop with padlock

Cyber Security and Safeguarding

The internet provides both opportunities and threats. Here you will find a collection of helpful resource links.

Outline of gun

Firearms - Advice for Practitioners

This advice has been developed as a direct result of a joint Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) and Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) which highlighted the risk around the lawful possession of firearms and sharing of information.  It covers guidance on what to do if there is a legally owned firearm in the household and there is an adult with deteriorating mental health or children.

smiling younger and older female

Carers resources

Millions of people across the UK care for a friend or family member. The impact of caring on all aspects of life from relationships and health to finances and work can be significant, and its challenges should not be underestimated.  It can be difficult to know where to start when looking for help. We have collated key topics here as well as links to comprehensive information and advice for carers.