Reporting concerns
You can report abuse or neglect, types of abuse, safeguarding and deprivation of liberty safeguards online via the Safeguarding Portal.
If there is an emergency that's ongoing or life is in danger, call 999 now.
You can visit the Essex Adult Social Care information and advice pages here or call:
Telephone: 0345 603 7630 | online reporting: safeguarding portal
Telephone: 01702 215008 (Out of hours: 0345 606 1212) | Adult Social Care online reporting:
Telephone: 01375 511000 | email:
If you are in mental health crisis please contact NHS 111 option 2.
Definition of Adult Safeguarding
The statutory framework introduced under the Care Act 2014 applies to any person aged 18 or above who:
- Has needs for care and support (regardless of the level of need and whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs)
- Is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and
- As a result of those needs, is unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.
Are there different types of abuse?
People can be abused in different ways. The different types of abuse that people may suffer are listed below:
- Physical abuse
- Domestic violence
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological / Emotional abuse
- Financial abuse
- Modern Slavery
- Neglect and acts of omission
- Discriminatory abuse
- Organisational abuse
- Self neglect
Where does abuse happen?
Abuse can occur anywhere; the list below is by no means exhaustive but gives some examples:
- Someone’s own home
- A carer’s home
- Day care
- Residential care
- A nursing home
- Hospital
For more information please visit our Types of Abuse page

Understanding Abuse Easy Read
See our Understanding and Reporting Abuse Easy Read Guide.
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