Legal Literacy Workshop
Multiple dates available.
27th May 2025
23rd October 2025
27th May 2025
23rd October 2025
1 day
Duration: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Cost: £45.00
This training equates to Level 2/3/4
This one-day virtual workshop will explore the concept of legal literacy in practice, focusing on the interfaces between the Care Act, the Mental Capacity Act and other pieces of relevant legislation, in order to equip participants with the knowledge of their practice context and the capabilities to apply the relevant provisions to their day-to-day practice and decision making.
Times: 9.00am - 4.30pm
Learning Outcomes:
- To increase delegate awareness of the value and importance of legal literacy in adult safeguarding, specifically the duties and powers applicable to safeguarding practice.
- To support delegates to explore the functions and interfaces of the core adult safeguarding legislation (e.g., Care Act, Mental Capacity Act & Mental Health Act) and consider how different needs and risks may require navigation through several legal frameworks.
- To increase participant awareness of the core statutory duties and functions of adult safeguarding, and how these are discharged by the Local Authorities and their statutory partners, including consideration of key roles and responsibilities within SAB, procedures, and practice guides.
- To provide a grounding in the principles and provisions of the key Acts and explore how they can/do interface to provide services and safeguards for individuals who may have needs or otherwise be at risk, including consideration of coercion, control, and situational capacity within the relevant frameworks.
- To provide the opportunity to reflect on legal literacy in practice and explore own strengths and development needs in this essential area of practice capability.
Cancellation or non-attendance charges
- Delegates may cancel or rebook onto an alternative course, if at least 5 working days’ notice is provided in writing (via email) to ESAB.
- If a delegate is unable to attend, another member of staff from the same team/service can be substituted without any additional cost (confirmation required in writing, via email to ESAB).
- Charges for late notice cancellation (less than 5 working days) or non-attendance on the day for ANY course (i.e., chargeable, and free of charge courses) are set at the full cost of the training course; £40 per full day course and £15 per half day course per delegate, or for specialist courses, the cost is clearly shown on the website and application forms.
- Managers will be made aware of a cancellation, non-attendance, or substitution of named staff member for all bookings.
- ESAB will reserve the right to charge in circumstances where it is felt appropriate for the services of ESAB staff. All fees are at the discretion of ESAB.