Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) e-Learning

The learning outcomes for the course are that by the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • Provide a summary of what happened to Wendy/Ruth/William
  • Highlight good practice and challenges faced in the case
  • Demonstrate the importance of accurate recording and information sharing
  • Review the lessons learned and the key recommendations

The course is designed to meet the standards for the Care Certificate Standards.

You can access the training by registering/logging on here

To register just click create new account and enter your details. Once you are logged in you just need to find the safeguarding adults e-learning course.  

Access troubleshooting:

  • Ensure you have enabled Adobe Flash on your internet browser to launch the training.  You may need to try a different browser than your usual one.
  • You may need to adjust the size of your view in your internet browser using the zoom settings function, to enable you to see each page in full on your computer screen.
  • You will need to minimise the arrow on the left-hand side of the screen (a menu function) to see each page in full.

If you have any queries or feedback please email