How is ESAB different from Essex County Council?
The Essex Safeguarding Adults Board does not have operational responsibility for safeguarding enquiries and is not involved in individual safeguarding concerns. We are a strategic partnership group. We collaborate with partner agencies and strategic boards to protect adults with care and support needs by ensuring that local safeguarding arrangements and partner safeguarding activity is robust and joined up.
If you are working with an adult with care and support needs and you need to raise a safeguarding concern or if you are a member of the public wishing to raise a concern, please contact Essex County Council Adult Social Care who deal with individual safeguarding concerns and referrals. The online form can be found here:
Essex County Council have the statutory duty to undertake safeguarding enquiries related to concerns being raised (or cause others to do so). If you are concerned about an adult, you can access the ECC Adult Social Care information and advice pages and also report concerns or make an Adult Safeguarding referral by using the link above. To contact Essex Adult Social Care directly call:
Textphone: 0345 758 5592
Telephone: 0345 603 7630
Out of hours telephone: 0345 606 1212