Advocacy support
Advocacy support can give you the confidence and ability to speak up about things that are important in your life and help you stand up for your rights.
VoiceAbility - Advocacy Service
VoiceAbility have been supporting people to be heard when in matters for over 40 years in decisions about their health, care, and wellbeing. It is independent charity and one of the largest providers of advocacy and involvement services in the UK.
VoiceAbility provide advocacy services across Essex county, covering all forms of statutory advocacy and also non-statutory advocacy. This includes the following:
Statutory Services:
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
- Paid Relevant Person Representative (RPR)
- Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
- Independent Care Act Advocacy (ICAA)
- Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA
- Independent Advocacy for Children and Young People
Non-statutory services:
- Independent Advocacy for young people with mental health problems who are receiving Community Mental Health Services
- General Advocacy
- Peer and Citizen Advocacy
As of the 1st July all advocacy services transferred from Rethink to VoiceAbility.
Contact Voiceability
Telephone 0300 303 1660 (calls are free from UK landlines and mobiles)
Follow on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and LinkedIn @VoiceAbility and Instagram @VoiceAbility_