Risk Taking, Unwise Decisions & Safeguarding

3 hours

New dates coming soon.  If you would like to register your interest please email: esab.training@essex.gov.uk

This course will examine the perceived tension in adult safeguarding between the protective element – and people’s rights to control their own lives and choices.

By the end of the training participants will have covered:

  • Care Act duties to protect from abuse and neglect
  • Care Act duties to promote autonomy, choice, control
  • Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights: the right to respect for private life and when it can legitimately be interfered with by the State (of which local authorities are one manifestation)
  • Unwise decision-making by people with mental capacity, involving risk
  • Best interests decisions, involving people lacking mental capacity, containing  risk
  • Concept of the vulnerable adult, with capacity, but subject to undue influence, exploitation etc – and the relevance to safeguarding of other law (including the inherent jurisdiction, the law of equity, financial criminal offences, sexual offences).

Cancellation or non-attendance charges

  • Delegates may cancel or rebook onto an alternative course, if at least 5 working days’ notice is provided in writing (via email) to ESAB. 
  • If a delegate is unable to attend, another member of staff from the same team/service can be substituted without any additional cost (confirmation required in writing, via email to ESAB).
  • Charges for late notice cancellation (less than 5 working days) or non-attendance on the day for ANY course (i.e., chargeable, and free of charge courses) are set at the full cost of the training course; £40 per full day course and £15 per half day course per delegate, or for specialist courses, the cost is clearly shown on the website and application forms.
  • Managers will be made aware of a cancellation, non-attendance, or substitution of named staff member for all bookings.
  • ESAB will reserve the right to charge in circumstances where it is felt appropriate for the services of ESAB staff.  All fees are at the discretion of ESAB.

New dates coming soon